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  • reeseaddisonmax

Critical Reflection Question 6

The “Big Guy(s)” in the music industry would be the four major record label companies. Those being EMI, Sony BMG, Universal Music Group, and the Warner Music Group. They’re considered a “large player” in media because they have the most power and wealth. These companies have such strong infrastructures and business strategies that they’re able to obtain any musician they want. Their music is produced internationally and nationally.

The “Little Guy(s)” in the music industry are independent musicians and small companies. An example of an independent musician could be Ed Sheeran. While an example of an independent record label could be XL Recordings. Or just any musician who’s not signed up for a record label. For actual production, they really could be all three. It depends on their popularity.

Big companies, like the four mentioned above, typically have studios where they produce their music. They also hire songwriters, composers, a band, etc. They have professional tools so that they can create clean and beautiful soundings songs. While independent labels have some of these things, but not all. And independent musicians usually just use whatever they can find and use. So free apps, cheap studios, etc.

Large companies typically create ads for their new songs, so they’re able to promote their music through TV ads, radio ads, and ads on different social media apps. They’re able to distribute it on the TV, radio, apple music, Spotify, etc. Independent companies and musicians try to promote their music by creating an account on different social media apps and posting their music there. With distribution, they can put their music on Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, or any app where you can stream music.

One obvious advantage of being the “Big Guy” is having more resources. This means you’re able to have more access to brand deals, promotion, instruments, studios, etc. Overall you have more access to stuff because of money. So you can easily produce and distribute your work globally. However, some disadvantages of being the “Big Guy” are competing with other companies, scandals, not in control, etc.

The advantage of being an Independent artist and company is that you’re in control of your money and future. Some disadvantages would be money, stealing, etc. Usually, if you’re an independent company or musician you may have to worry about income since you might not make enough. So it makes it harder to produce and distribute your music. People can also try and steal your ideas and work too. So, you’ll want to be careful and sign everything.

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