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  • reeseaddisonmax

Mise en Scene 5 Essential Elements

  1. Setting: The setting can set or change the mood of a character or their “state of mind”. Typically the setting is where the background; like an abandoned house, large room, etc.

  2. Decor: Just like the setting, decor can also help set the mood of a film. Usually it’s anaylzed as something symbolic about the story or character. Color especially is taken into careful consideration, as it can be read as an expression with a deeper meaning. Textures to play a big part, it can easily show off someone’s wealth in a film.

  3. Lighting: The lighting of a film helps contribute to a film’s look and feel, too. If the light’s low in contrast then it may be a romantic comedy or musical. But if it’s high contrast, then it may be a more dramatic movie; say, a horror, thriller, or film noir. Basically light contributes to a film’s sense of place, character, and mood.

  4. Depth of Space: Depth is determined by the distances between objects, scenery, people, etc. It influences their placement, camera location, and lens choice.

  5. Costumes and Makeup: What a character’s wearing and the arrangement of that garment can say a lot about them, or maybe it doesn’t at all. However both factors are still important. They also help inforce the mood or setting of a film. Basically makeup and costumes are another way to externalize the internal of a medium as visual as film.

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