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  • reeseaddisonmax

Name 3 important ways an editor impacts a film

  1. Emotions

  2. Story

  3. Rhythm

Editors are important to the process of filmmaking as they can affect the overall emotion of the film. Just by editing and cutting a couple of scenes, they’re able to change/set the mood of the film. Different ways the editor can achieve this is by using a tactic called eye trace. Eye trace is a technique the editor uses to get the viewer to focus on a certain part of a scene. With emotion comes a storyline, the editor can impact the way a story is told. Not only that but they’re also able to possibly get the script changed to improve the film. This is usually why editors work so closely with the directors, as they can both collaborate and talk about what they can do with the film. Finally, you got rhythm, a vital key to making the film and storyline flow easily. This action allows the final product to come together and truly make the film. Here editors decide whether to cut a scene, add on, etc to get the story’s point across to the viewer. All three of these aspects are what help impact a film.

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